Yellow & Green Aura Quartz tips
Yellow-Green Ombre Quartz Crystal tips
Manifest positivity and let your inner sun shine with Yellow Aura Quartz.
Aura quartz is created when clear quartz is bonded with metals, creating an iridescent metallic sheen and reflection of brilliant rainbows. Clear quartz amplifies energies and intentions. The aura treatment stimulates both body and spirit through its powerful vibrations. When color is layered with a gemstone, it brings its own medicine. Specific colors are associated with the chakras. For example, yellow corresponds to the Solar Plexus Chakra, and yellow aura quartz activates, balances, and heals that energy center. Crystal points are great tools for directing energy. Work with this Yellow Aura Quartz Point to harness the output of energy and send that energy wherever desired or needed.
Green Aura crystal is a protector of the spleen, the organ responsible for purifying the blood and boosting the immune system. Worn over the base of the sternum or taped over the Spleen Chakra, it fights energy drains and overcomes psychic vampirism. It assists in severing ties with previous partners or mentors who retain a mental or emotional hold despite physical separation. It is highly beneficial in multidimensional and cellular memory healing, and is an efficient receptor for programming and bringing the body into balance.
When combined the benefits are quite amazing aren't they?
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